Remote job

Remote job. You can find all questions and answers related to the term of „remote job“. If you have more questions on this matter, please feel free to ask a new question.
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5 years ago

What is a remote working? How could i start remote job?

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5 years ago

Remote working is a form of work organizing, in which the employee performs his tasks remotely, that is, at home. Such form of work may apply only to a limited number of tasks, during certain working hours or on a full-time basis from the date of signature of the employment contract. Remote work requires a computer and an Internet network, as by agreement, tasks to the workplace are sent via the Internet.

6 years ago

I work as a cashier, but looking one more remote job. What kind of job could i choose?

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6 years ago

Greta, thank you for a post. It depends on what you're able to do and at which category you feel comfortable. Usually, remote job you will have to do with computer, so most popular remote jobs are for developers, graphic designers, marketers, writers or editors, sales managers etc. So, if you are strong in any of those positions - it won't be difficult. You will find many remote job offers in facebook, twitter or other social network, also on job boards. Also, you will find scam job offers, so you have to be careful and try to get paid before the job is done. If you find remote job on internet without any platform as Fiverr or other, you are not guarantee that you will get paid.
