
Pilots. You can find all questions and answers related to the term of „pilots“. If you have more questions on this matter, please feel free to ask a new question.
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6 years ago

Hey, what do you think what are the most stressful working positions?

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6 years ago

The most stressful jobs are those of soldiers, public relations executives, reporters, and airline pilots. The salaries paid to the representatives of these fields are not very high as the nature of their work is related to supply and demand. Employees doing these kind of jobs earn $ 28,800 to $ 45,250 depending on the nature of their job.

6 years ago

Hello, why do pilots earn so much?

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6 years ago

On average, even a beginner can earn more than 10-20k dollars a month. Money that big, are paid for a reason. According to specialists, pilots-to-be face high demands, because it is a job, that requires a lot of responsibility. Also, pilots must attend special training every few months even after they are hired, to check their existing knowledge, and learn to immediately react to dangerous situations and know how to resolve them, such as an unexpected fire, or a failure in the engine.

6 years ago

Does anyone know what are the highest paying jobs?

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6 years ago

John, thank you for a question. It might be different positions depending on companies, but most popular and high paying positions are:

  1. Medicine (Anesthesiologists, Surgeons, Oral and maxillofacial surgeons, Dentists, etc.)
    Average annual salary: $199,980 - $265,990
  2. Chief executives
    Average annual salary: $196,050
  3. Airline pilots, co-pilots, and flight engineers
    Average annual salary: $161,280
  4. Petroleum engineers
    Average annual salary: $154,780
  5. Computer and information systems managers
    Average annual salary: $149,730
  6. Architectural and engineering managers
    Average annual salary: $146,290
  7. Marketing managers
    Average annual salary: $145,620
  8. Financial managers
    Average annual salary: $143,530
  9. Lawyers
    Average annual salary: $141,890
  10. Sales managers
    Average annual salary: $136,650
  11. Natural sciences managers
    Average annual salary: $133,670
  12. Compensation and benefits managers
    Average annual salary: $130,010
  13. Law teachers, postsecondary
    Average annual salary: $129,840
  14. Public relations and fundraising managers
    Average annual salary: $127,690
  15. Personal financial advisors
    Average annual salary: $124,140
  16. Advertising and promotions managers
    Average annual salary: $123,880

As you can see, the most popular and highest paying jobs are at different positions in Medicine.
