Job at Mcdonalds

Job at Mcdonalds. You can find all questions and answers related to the term of „job at Mcdonalds“. If you have more questions on this matter, please feel free to ask a new question.
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6 years ago

Is it really so bad to work at Mcdonalds??

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6 years ago

Yap, thank you for a question. It is not so bad, but if we talk about job at Mcdonalds restaurant, then it is really hard work with many hours per day while you stand on foot all the time. Mcdonald's itself is huge company with many employees and they have different departments, so if you start from the bottom and don't have any job experience, you can start at Mcdonald's and if you'll be good, you will have huge career opportunities. There are many people who started from waiter or cashier and after that they became restarant or country managers with very solid salary. Many people and specialists grows there, so the job at Mcdonald's is not the worst choice.
