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Danny Sauceda

Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Danny Sauceda
What job i'm looking for? My positive points
Throughout my career, I have contributed to positive business results through effective organization, prioritization and follow through of key organizational projects. While I am independently motivated, I appreciate collective efforts and collaborate productively within group settings. Moreover, I am competent in documentation and reporting and risk assessment with proficiency in cost control.
Preferred occupation:
Chemical Engineer jobs
Engineering jobs
Process Engineer jobs
Manufacturing, production operations jobs
Quality Control, Assurance jobs
Science Technology, Laboratory jobs
Preferred work location:
Contacts and general information about me
Residential location:
Telephone number:
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Work experience
Working period:
nuo 2013.11 iki 2017.12
Company name:
Tres Valles Sugar Mill
You were working at::
Chemical Engineer jobs
Sugar Production Supervisor
What you did at this job position?:
-Verify that the operating conditions meet the established parameters, to obtain the lowest losses of sucrose in the process. -Analyze and record the behavior of variables that establish the quality of the by-products of sugar manufacturing process. -Management of materials and resources used in the manufacturing process of Sugar. -Budget Management of the Sugar Production Area. -Selection and Management of the Operational Staff of the Area. -Planning, Execution, and Commissioning Projects that lead to the reduction of losses of sucrose in the process, improve product quality, reduce the risk of accidents and improve process efficiency. -Comply with and enforce the standards of EHS.
Working period:
nuo 2014.12 iki 2017.12
Company name:
Tres Valles Sugar Mill
You were working at::
Chemical Engineer jobs
Head of Laboratory of Crystallography
What you did at this job position?:
-Instruct and train the staff of the Laboratory of Crystallography in the use of tools, equipment and software used. -Supervise personnel responsible for the proper application of the methodology described in the instructions. -Check the correct and effective flow of information between the Analyst Laboratory, the Sugar Production Supervisor and the Vacuum Pan Operators. -Propose opportunities for improvement in the Sugar Crystallization process aimed at obtaining uniformity in the crystal size, reducing the recirculation of molasses and reducing losses of sucrose in the process.
Working period:
nuo 2017.12 iki 2018.12
Company name:
Tres Valles Sugar Mill
You were working at::
Chemical Engineer jobs
Head of Internal Control
What you did at this job position?:
1) Management of Productive and Maintenance modulus at SAP, 2) Cost Manager. 3) Process Engineering Studies, 4) Food Safety Audit
Educational period:
nuo 2007.02 iki 2012.09
Educational institution:
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
Educational qualification:
Chemical Engineer
I could work:
I could work as a Process Engineer, Quality Control Engineer, Quality Assurance Engineer
Speaking level 
Understanding level 
Writing level 
very good 
Speaking level 
Understanding level 
very good 
Writing level 
Speaking level 
Understanding level 
Writing level 
Computer knowledge
Good command on:
-Microsoft Word
-Microsoft Excel
-Microsoft Project
-Microsoft Powerpoint

Basic Knowledge on:
Conferences, seminars
-Microsoft Project 2013 Basics, held at Unitec (Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana) in
September 2014.
-Sugar Advanced Course in Engineering, held in Costa Rica, by the Association of Sugar Technicians
of Costa Rica (ATACORI), from July 27 to July 31, 2015.
-Cycle Water Treatment Training by AQA (Chemical Environmental Audit), conducted from November
25 to November 29, 2013.
-"Health and Quality Food Plant" Workshop at the School of Mechanical, Electrical, and Chemical
Engineers of Honduras (CIMEQH) on March 20th, 2010.
-"Cleaner Production" Course at the National Autonomous University of Honduras held from June
21st to 24th, 2011.
-Course "Solid Waste Management" at the National Autonomous University of Honduras held from
the July 6th to July 8th, 2011.
-"ISO 17025" Course at the National Autonomous University of Honduras, taught by Ms. Mirian Oliva
from INFOP, held from November 10th to November 18th, 2011.
-"Introduction to ISO 9001:2008" Training at the National Autonomous University of Honduras, held
from November 10th to November 11th, 2011.-"Plant Design in Chemical Engineering and
Equipment" Course, at the National Autonomous University of Honduras on May 29th, 2012.
Contact person:
Rafael Núñez
Sugar Production Coordinator
Tres Valles Sugar Mill
Telephone number:
+504 3147-5028
Email address:
Additional information
Driver licenses:
None, Class 5
Driver license from:
2019-04-00 (5 years)
Salary you wish:
4500 $ per month
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